Thursday, January 31, 2008

Quinton and the Little People.....

Our book has arrived at the House of Q.

But it didn't come alone......

Anyone else wonder what he's writing?

When asked to comment, Quinton could only say, "Yoda was trying to be cool, but the Pink Panther is a jackass."

Indeed he is, Q.....indeed he is.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Our book has arrived in the US, and begun it's west coast swing. First up, Steve C. comes through with some Robo-goodness!

Here also is his self-portrait, and some in progress shots of the book.

The book now rolls on down to L.A., where Quinton is on deck......

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


After a bit of a lull over the holiday season, we're back up and running as Russell checks in with his contribution.

With this, the book has wrapped up it's international tour, and is on it's way to the States! Next up, we begin our west coast swing with Steve C.....