Steve is still hard at work on the official documentary....but for now, here's a taste.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Christina is not yet finished with her self-portrait, but I'll get that up here as soon as it's ready. (In the meantime, you can see just about any Tim Sale Catwoman drawing for her (not self) portrait.)
Steve and Nick are working hard on the videos, and we'll have some more updates soon....not to mention some talk of Volume Two!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I am very proud of this book, and very proud of the friendship and love that it represents. Thank you, everyone!
So, here it is! A final message from our resident rockstar, and fearless leader, Mr. Tim Sale!

Timmy' self portrait:
It goes without saying....but, Timmy....the feeling is mutual, Big Guy.
This is the last sketch in the Tim Sale Travel Sketchbook Project, but it's definitely not the end. Keep your eyes out for more!!
Almost There.....
And our last three contributors have really stepped up!
Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado....I present, Mr. Matt Wagner!
Next up.......The Big Guy!
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Ninja!
Hey, they don't call him the Ninja because he wears black and carries a sword.
Next up, Mr. Matt Wagner!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I Used To Rule The World....
Here's a look at his beautiful (and somewhat metro-sexual :) ) addition to the sketchbook:
And some cool in-progress videos:
The Arrival
TravelSketch Part 1
TravelSketch Part 2
Great stuff, Steve! Our book is on the home stretch....and while it doesn't look like it's going to make it's way to Timmy before Baltimore, at least many of us get to look forward to seeing his face live when he opens it for the first time....maybe we can even get it on video.
Next up, The Ninja!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Fox!
Here's the smoothest hand-off a sketchbook could hope for......our boy, Nick.....and introducing, Mr. Francesco Francavilla!
Francesco is currently working on ZORRO, with the great Matt Wagner. In stores now! And, he gives us a little taste of the goodness with his sketchbook contribution:
Here, his wonderful self-portrait:
And, some in-progress shots:
Next up, the King of Karaoke, Steve Edwards!

And what is Nick thinking in this photo? "Good luck following that, Steve-o.....(you're gonna need it!)" :)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Spreading The Love

Nick's self-portrait:
Some in-progress shots:

And lastly, a special shout out:
Nick, I'll just go ahead and speak for all of us......the feelings are mutual, brother. Thanks.
Up next, Nick meets Francesco!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Ignore this Post!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Hey, Boo Boo!
(Yes, emphasis on himself.)
(*In case you were wondering, that horse jacked up the price of his sketchbook at SDCC.)
And now, an intimate peek inside the madness......
All work and no art make Jared a dull boy. Yikes.
Up next forget.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Monster Hand-Off.....
Wait a minute...... Clever ruse, Jared. Nice try, bub.
Oh, how can I say no to that face?
And there you have it......
Long story short, Jared can get a little excited.
So, I guess, up next.....Wally the Green Monster.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A Wise Man Once said.....

A shout out to Tim for my main sketchbook contribution.....and a love letter to my wife for my self portrait.
Here are a few in progress pics.....
And for kicks, here are a couple of thumbnail prelims I did.....of ideas that didn't make the cut.
Up next...........The Straw!